Blood Flow Support

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Stronger pumps, faster recovery, and more muscle production from every workout.

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What are Tadalafil and Vardenafil?

Medication Facts

SERVING SIZE: 1 troche (lozenge) a day

PER BOTTLE: 30 troches

DOSAGE: 2.5, 5 mg, or 10 mg


How It Works

Tadalafil and Vardenafil are vasodilators that improve blood flow, meaning improved nutrient and oxygen delivery to your muscles. Combining these medications allows Zealthy's Blood Flow Protocol to take effect in as little as 15 minutes and last for up to 24 hours.

Leading Pre-Workouts

Blood Flow Support


BPN, Legion Plus, Optimum Nutrition

Increases lean muscle mass

Lasts all-day without short-term pump enhancers

Promotes faster recovery by reducing arterial stiffness

Reduces inflammation, soreness, and improves joint health

Circulate more blood to muscles for better pumps

Lab-tested results, real improvements

Faster recovery from reduced arterial stiffness

Feel younger by slowing chronic conditions

Avoid harmful side effects from steroids and other medications

"I've had noticeably better endurance, vascularity, and pumps since I started taking Blood Flow Support. I'm regularly hitting PRs in the gym and I've broken through a bunch of plateaus."

Ryan, Orlando, FL

How It Works

Affordable, easy-to-use care at your fingertips

Answer a few questions to see if you're eligible.

Tell us more about yourself and confirm that you are eligible for our clinically effective blood flow support treatment.

Complete your baseline lab test

We'll mail you a convenient at-home lab test. Your results will establish a baseline for your treatment plan and your improvement thereafter. Results will be available in the Zealthy patient portal.

Get blood flow support medication affordably.

We'll ship medication in discreet packaging to your doorstep. No hassle.

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Your provider will review your responses

Complete your medical intake and your baseline test, and a Zealthy provider will get back to you about treatment options.

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All science, no B.S.

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Get started

Stimulate blood flow for better muscular production.

Get Started

"This made working out fun again. This medication's super effective and I could feel the pump right away."

Charles, San Diego, CA

Limited time: Sign up for Zealthy now and get a free Zealthy medical review

Limited time: Sign up for Zealthy now and get a free Zealthy medical review

2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg

starting from $3.33/dose

Maximize Your Exercise Capacity

Increase Muscle Mass

Speed Up Recovery

Increasing blood can improve muscle function, letting you train harder

Studies show increases in lean muscle mass associated with Tadalafil

Experience lower inflammation after workouts for faster recovery and muscle building